Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well you guys, totally sorry. I was moving hence the lackness of posting in that last month. So now I am posting and there will be several posts.

OK so I'm going to start with a review of the Graphic Novel Watchmen. This is a very good story! Let's start off with that phrase and move on to the story. It's a very original setting. It happens during a an '80s that had a Cold War which is more ferocious than our own. Such things happen through out the story such as Russia invading Afghanistan.

Now there was a Bill in congress that allowed vigilantes to be legal. This is what causes the Heroes to be legal at one time.

The story goes through it's phases and at the end it leaves you with a bitter sweet feeling. The story pulls itself along and makes a good move across the pages. Up until the end, then the read goes south a little.

It is however a good story and will hopefully transpose well into movie format.

Believable Blie Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars


There will be another post coming up shortly.

B. Blie

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